Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 10:54:57 GMT
And that goes back to my original point. MP’s working in areas they don’t give a To$$ about. You assume that everyone is born (or lives/has a valid connection to) in a place that they like or care about. Certainly not the case for me... (Which, as a minor aside, put my nose out of joint when Labour's mayoral candidate up here started her pitch with "I love the North East and I know you do too" - no you don't!) In most cases MP’s don’t care, why would you want to stand in an area you don’t care about, unless you want to have a political career, just going through the motions and picking up your monthly paycheque?
Post by East Anglian Lefty on Apr 19, 2024 10:56:56 GMT
You assume that everyone is born (or lives/has a valid connection to) in a place that they like or care about. Certainly not the case for me... (Which, as a minor aside, put my nose out of joint when Labour's mayoral candidate up here started her pitch with "I love the North East and I know you do too" - no you don't!) In most cases MP’s don’t care, why would you want to stand in an area you don’t care about, unless you want to have a political career, just going through the motions and picking up your monthly paycheque? Occam's razor would suggest therefore that most of them do come to care about the areas they represent.
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 11:02:30 GMT
In most cases MP’s don’t care, why would you want to stand in an area you don’t care about, unless you want to have a political career, just going through the motions and picking up your monthly paycheque? Occam's razor would suggest therefore that most of them do come to care about the areas they represent. Ok, if you really say so. 👍
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Post by carlton43 on Apr 19, 2024 11:07:46 GMT
Even leaving aside the issue of maternity hospitals, it is an incredibly stupid idea. It would make my mother eligible to stand in Bristol North West, where she hasn't lived since before she was able to walk, but not in the constituency where she's lived for the past 35 years. Clearly you missed the point where I said, “valid connection”. Well now you ought to define 'Valid Connection'? And be very precise about it or we shall nit-pick you to death. And what authority at what expense will you be setting up to validate the purported 'valid connection' issues? Will they be executing a minute examination of the permanent residency of all candidates from birth until this candidacy; the schooling; the universities; the many occupations and work exposures; the periods in long term care and hospitalization; or in prisons? What of rolling stones with decades in squats or on the street; or abroad; in the forces and diplomacy; teaching abroad or just 'dropped out'. How would all of that configure in you half-witted little theory and plan?
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 11:10:32 GMT
Clearly you missed the point where I said, “valid connection”. Well now you ought to define 'Valid Connection'? And be very precise about it or we shall nit-pick you to death. And what authority at what expense will you be setting up to validate the purported 'valid connection' issues? Will they be executing a minute examination of the permanent residency of all candidates from birth until this candidacy; the schooling; the universities; the many occupations and work exposures; the periods in long term care and hospitalization; or in prisons? What of rolling stones with decades in squats or on the street; or abroad; in the forces and diplomacy; teaching abroad or just 'dropped out'. How would all of that configure in you half-witted little theory and plan? “nit-pick me to death” I’m dead already. 🤣 Enjoy your parachutes. 🤣
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 11:11:39 GMT
Clearly you missed the point where I said, “valid connection”. Well now you ought to define 'Valid Connection'? And be very precise about it or we shall nit-pick you to death. And what authority at what expense will you be setting up to validate the purported 'valid connection' issues? Will they be executing a minute examination of the permanent residency of all candidates from birth until this candidacy; the schooling; the universities; the many occupations and work exposures; the periods in long term care and hospitalization; or in prisons? What of rolling stones with decades in squats or on the street; or abroad; in the forces and diplomacy; teaching abroad or just 'dropped out'. How would all of that configure in you half-witted little theory and plan? P.S your 3rd paragraph, yes, go for it. They are wanting to be in the HOC running the country after all.
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Post by carlton43 on Apr 19, 2024 11:12:38 GMT
Living/lived in the area for a certain period of time. Have a business in the area. Work/ have a job in area. Similar criteria that you have to pass to stand in the local elections ect. You don't have to live / work in the ward to stand at local elections, which is fortunate as many branches wouldn't be able to put up a candidate if it was so. Why should you have to live, work within a constituency to be an MP? Or or are you widening your area to beyond the Constituency now? Just trying to follow your logic There is NO logic to follow. That is the entirety of his problem.
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 11:17:03 GMT
You don't have to live / work in the ward to stand at local elections, which is fortunate as many branches wouldn't be able to put up a candidate if it was so. Why should you have to live, work within a constituency to be an MP? Or or are you widening your area to beyond the Constituency now? Just trying to follow your logic There is NO logic to follow. That is the entirety of his problem. 🪂
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Post by carlton43 on Apr 19, 2024 11:17:20 GMT
Which is to say that they evidently don't think it's a deal breaker if a candidate isn't local. And that goes back to my original point. MP’s working in areas they don’t give a To$$ about. Ah! Now you betray your latent Tanky leaning with that ingrained auto-response anti-Americanism. Now we can totally ignore you as a usual suspect idiot.
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 11:18:31 GMT
And that goes back to my original point. MP’s working in areas they don’t give a To$$ about. Ah! Now you betray your latent Tanky leaning with that ingrained auto-response anti-Americanism. Now we can totally ignore you as a usual suspect idiot. 🪂
Post by batman on Apr 19, 2024 11:36:03 GMT
And I would be able to stand only in Crewe despite having lived there for two days and never having lived in Cheshire for the rest of my 81-years! Again, idiotically, you missed the valid connection part. But hey, let’s try and be popular with other posters on the forum. as it happens, I get on pretty well with Carlton. But to accuse him of seeking popularity is a grievous calumny
Post by gwynthegriff on Apr 19, 2024 11:53:10 GMT
The quite few wards/constituencies containing maternity clinic and hospitals will have a richness of choice and many others will have no choice at all. A deeply Luddite and crassly stupid suggestion. And your theory is proven how? Maybe if the qualifying rules were changed to stand as an MP, then the everyday person might get more involved instead of being disillusioned as many are now. Many may want to get involved in local politics, but might see the end goal as being pointless, knowing a national party is going to parachute a random person in just to take their spot and represent a national party logo on a ballot paper instead of wanting to stand for the people of the constituency. In my experience (extensive) few who get involved in local politics see Westminster as their "end goal".
Post by gwynthegriff on Apr 19, 2024 11:54:02 GMT
Clearly a lot of people in the country are happy to have random parachute candidates standing as their local MP, who knew? Those who feel it is important can, of course, use their vote for another candidate.
Post by Davıd Boothroyd on Apr 19, 2024 11:55:44 GMT
In my experience (extensive) few who get involved in local politics see Westminster as their "end goal". I don't know why that should be. Local politics in Westminster is endlessly fascinating.
Post by gwynthegriff on Apr 19, 2024 11:58:26 GMT
In my experience (extensive) few who get involved in local politics see Westminster as their "end goal". I don't know why that should be. Local politics in Westminster is endlessly fascinating. You Sir are a special case!
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Post by J.G.Harston on Apr 19, 2024 12:05:15 GMT
Please define "valid connection". Living/lived in the area for a certain period of time. Have a business in the area. Work/ have a job in area. Similar criteria that you have to pass to stand in the local elections ect. The same critera as local elections is "anywhere within the area of the assembly you are being elected to". So, for the UK Parliament, that's anywhere in the UK.
Post by thejedi on Apr 19, 2024 12:08:05 GMT
Living/lived in the area for a certain period of time. Have a business in the area. Work/ have a job in area. Similar criteria that you have to pass to stand in the local elections ect. The same critera as local elections is "anywhere within the area of the assembly you are being elected to". So, for the UK Parliament, that's anywhere in the UK. Which is wrong in my opinion. Jesus Christ, you lot don’t like change do you? 🤣 What was you all like during puberty? 🤣
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Post by J.G.Harston on Apr 19, 2024 12:25:36 GMT
The same critera as local elections is "anywhere within the area of the assembly you are being elected to". So, for the UK Parliament, that's anywhere in the UK. Which is wrong in my opinion. It's clear and simple. What would be your proposal? Anything else is likely to mean people being forced to move house every time there is an election. I'll try and get elected in Appletown, so I'll have to move house. Oops, didn't get elected. Right, I'll try Brownville. Move house again. Oops, didn't get elected. Ok, I'll try Cartonlodge. Move house again. No, didn't get elected. Another try, let's try Eaglesedge. Move house again. No, didn't get elected. Also: I'm the sitting member for Redsville, living in Redsville. There's been a boundary review, and the boundary has moved six yards and I now live in Bluetown. I forfit my seat in Redsville and if I don't want to move house am forced to stand for election in Bluetown.
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Post by Sibboleth on Apr 19, 2024 12:30:43 GMT
Constituency boundaries have always been rather arbitrary in some cases, became more so after 1983 and are about to become more so again. Wider definitions of 'local areas' are also rarely formal in practice: counties? The rather silly present 'ceremonial counties'? Metropolitan areas - but how defined?
In any case the political effect if something like this could somehow be imposed and enforced might not be to your liking. Perhaps the most significant example of a comparatively local candidate being selected by a local party as a backlash against perceived parachuters also on the shortlist would be Sedgefield before the 1983 General Election...
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Post by john07 on Apr 19, 2024 12:36:18 GMT
Apart from anything else the residential rule could easily be got around by moving in or acquiring an accommodation address within the constituency.
My former Constituency in Leicester East had this issue. Keith Vaz, a Christian born in Aden of Goan origin, living in London, was parachuted in by the party centrally to get the Asian vote. The sleazeball appeared to move into the constituency pretty sharply. He appears to be still chair of the CLP now.