Could someone give us the figures or give us a link to where I can find out the number of voters by european region UK Thank you
All data accurate to the 2014 elections
East Midlands: 3,375,665 (33.3% turnout)
Eastern England: 4,369,382 (36.0% turnout)
Greater London: 5,490,248 (40.5% turnout)
North Western England: 5,268,697 (33.5% turnout)
Scotland (minus Western Isles): 3,994,696 (33.5% turnout)
South Eastern England: 6,441,003 (36.5% turnout)
South Western England: 4,059,889 (37.0% turnout)
West Midlands: 4,105,305 (33.3% turnout)
Yorkshire and the Humber: 3,868,192 (33.3% turnout)
I also have the figures for Wales and the North Eastern England electoral regions, but not in a format that I can easily copy the numbers from.