These are matters of supremacy psychology.
Whilst you believe in yourself and your superiority and your complete and utter ability to suppress under any circumstances, both parties will regard the status quo as an absolute given and no one will normally challenge it. If they do they must be utterly crushed not just deterred as a signal lesson not to try it again.
The whole ediface is predicated on
a hierarchy that believes in itself and stamps out self doubt and any new ideas than threaten the supremacy. For that reason the Church and Aristocracy (of any sort) have a vested interest in support and the Universities, Media and Students tend to be natural enemies of the status quo.
The introduction of mass education, po-faced evangelical Christianity, Glasnost, devolution and democracy will weaken the empire and should never be allowed to rush ahead lest the seeds of discord get the upper hand.
There was no way we could hold India, Cyprus, Egypt (canal) or an Ireland once we stopped being prepared to shoot down crowds, hang trouble makers and thump a lot of people very hard very often.
I am the sort of person that held empires together by sheer force of willpower and naked brute strength. They knew that if push came to shove I did have a revolver and would most certainly use it. If I was killed with those few around me, they knew a force would come out from England and zap them very hard indeed.
When my sort were bred out by liberals, softies and a general snoflake attitude it collapsed like a pack of cards because
the power was people like me who knew what to do and how to do it and had no compunction at all in doing it. Gorbachov was the end and as soon as that was obvious the cards fell. There is no historic imperative, no perfect time, just the collapse of the Will in the few people at the centre that matter.
But the good news is that it could all be put to rights by a suprisingly small number of
the 'right sort of people' taking their moment and doing it again. Just as Putin has.